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Black Gold

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Laura Obuobi



Publication Date

October 11, 2022


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A joyous, empowering, poetic celebration of Black children and a reminder of the universe’s boundless love in stunning verse and captivating collage. Perfect for fans of Sulwe.

When the Universe decides to create a child, she draws from the earth—rich, dark, and full of everything that gives life, including eyes like black star sapphires and full lips to speak the truth. With help from the Sun and the Moon, they create a child of the Universe: beautiful, powerful, and boundless with the brilliance of Black Gold.

Laura Obuobi’s empowering, lyrical text and London Ladd’s lustrous, captivating illustrations are a joyous, poetic celebration of Black children and a reminder of the Universe’s unconditional love and the amazing power within us all.

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